Pattern Matching
16.18 Pattern Matching: You are given two strings, pattern and value. The pattern string consists of just the letters a and b, describing a pattern within a string. For example, the string cat catgoc at go matches the pattern aabab (where cat is a and go is b). It also matches patterns like a, ab, and b. Write a method to determine if value matches pattern.
Brute Force:
Generate all possible substrings of the value. This will generate n^2 different 'words'. Then, with these these words, pair it up with all the substrings. This will generate n^4 pairs. Now using each pair of substrings, pass it into a function that use these pairs as the two distinguishing strings, and determine whether or not it matches the sequence pattern.
There are some basic cases we can eliminate:
If the value is empty or if the pattern exceeds the value, is it always false.
If the pattern is 1 char, then we know that it can represent any 'word', so set to true
With the remainder of the cases, one thing we can do is generate the number of valid combinations. This is best demonstrated with an example.
If we're given
pattern = aabaa
Then are are only so many patterns (number of characters) that we can define to a and b, just that they make out the full sequence of the string.
Now we have an infinity number of solutions that are defined by this number line. We can constrain it in the following ways:
Valid solutions must be in the top left quadrant of the cartisian plane, since we need a and b to both be positive.
Both a and b must exist at least once so because we cannot have zero characters.
a must be defined from and b defined because of the two statements above.
Both a and b must be discrete values (we cannot have half a character). To test for discrete values, we must check for whole numbers from .
On this number line, we are given 3 possibilities:
(1,10), (2,6), (3,2)
Testing our solution:
(1,10) implies that a = = c, then a = = a, so invalid.
(2,6) == a = ca; tc; so invalud
and finally (3,2); cat ; cat; cat; go; cat; cat (valid)
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