635 Design Log Storage System
You are given several logs that each log contains a unique id and timestamp. Timestamp is a string that has the following format:Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minute:Second
, for example,2017:01:01:23:59:59
. All domains are zero-padded decimal numbers.
Design a log storage system to implement the following functions:
void Put(int id, string timestamp)
: Given a log's unique id and time-stamp, store the log in your storage system.
int[] Retrieve(String start, String end, String granularity)
: Return the id of logs whose timestamps are within the range from start to end. Start and end all have the same format as timestamp. However, granularity means the time level for consideration. For example, start = "2017:01:01:23:59:59", end = "2017:01:02:23:59:59", granularity = "Day", it means that we need to find the logs within the range from Jan. 1st 2017 to Jan. 2nd 2017.
Example 1:
There will be at most 300 operations of Put or Retrieve.
Year ranges from [2000,2017]. Hour ranges from [00,23].
Output for Retrieve has no order required.
The Idea: I think there are two key ideas to understand here. First, when logs are compared by granularity, we are only interested in the timestamps by their truncated form. For example,
This mean that a log id is valid if it falls in between the start and end times by its granularity. The second thing to understand is that string comparisons are valid forms of comparison in our case. This due to the nature of now the numbers are formatted as a date time. The time components are in ascending order, and within each component like year of day, a higher number implies that it occurs later. All of this to say that string comparison is a quick way to validity if a log time falls in between start and end.
Complexity: O(1) put operation, and O(n) retrieve operation
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