Average GPA

Write a program that takes a course number, units and grade delimited by spaces, and computes the average GPA when the user doesnt provide input.

import re
from re import findall

GPAG = {"A+":4.3,

all_units = [] 
all_letter_grades = []

def getGrade(user_input):
    all_data = user_input.split()

def calcGPA():
    total_qp = 0
    total_hours = 0

    for i in range(len(all_units)):
        letter = all_letter_grades[i]
        hrs = all_units[i]
        total_hours += hrs
        total_qp += GPAG[letter] * hrs

    return round(total_qp/total_hours, 2)

while True:
    user_input= input('Enter course number, units, and grade, separated by spaces\n')
    if not user_input:
        print("The GPA is:", calcGPA())

Now improve your program to take in a file of student summary course, and output to a file that summaries the average GPA per student.

File in:

eric, davidson
ecs10 4 B-
ecs30 3 C+

dan, mak
ecs50 4 A
ecs60 4 A
sas30 4 A
eric, davidson            2.52
dan, mak                  4.00
#12.8 GPA reports using files

GPAG = {'A':4.0,

all_units = []
all_letter_grades = []
current_name = "";

def calcGPA():
    total_qp = 0
    total_hours = 0
    for i in range(len(all_units)):
        letter = all_letter_grades[i].rstrip()
        hrs = all_units[i]
        total_hours += hrs
        total_qp += GPAG[letter] * hrs

    return round(total_qp/total_hours, 2)

def contains_comma(line):
    for char in line:
        if (char == ','):
           return True

def contains_number(line):
    for char in line:
        if (char.isdigit()):
           return True

file_out = open("GPA_output.txt", "w")
file_in=input('Enter the file name: ')
with open(file_in, 'r') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()
    for line in lines:

        if (contains_comma(line)):
            current_name = line.rstrip();

            course_unit_grade = line.split(' ');

        elif(line == "\n"):
            file_out.write('%-26s%.2f\n' % (current_name, calcGPA()));
            all_units = []
            all_letter_grades = []
            current_name = ""

    file_out.write('%-26s%.2f' % (current_name, calcGPA()));


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