40 Combination Sum II
Given a collection of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T), find all unique combinations inCwhere the candidate numbers sums toT.
Each number inCmay only be usedoncein the combination.
All numbers (including target) will be positive integers.
The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.
For example, given candidate set[10, 1, 2, 7, 6, 1, 5]
and target8
A solution set is:
[1, 7],
[1, 2, 5],
[2, 6],
[1, 1, 6]
These I thought this was a really great problem, I wrote about the details of my implementation in my other book Algorithms and Data Structures B.
struct Key
Key() {};
Key(const int val, const int iter, const int sum) :
val(val), iter(iter), sum(sum) {}
int val, iter, sum;
bool operator==(const Key &other) const
return (val == other.val
&& iter == other.iter
&& sum == other.sum);
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<Key>
std::size_t operator()(const Key& k) const
return ((hash<int>()(k.val)
^ (hash<int>()(k.iter) << 1)) >> 1)
^ (hash<int>()(k.sum) << 1);
struct TreeNode2 {
TreeNode2(Key key) :
key(key) {}
TreeNode2() {};
Key key;
vector<TreeNode2 *> children;
class CombinationTree {
explicit CombinationTree(vector<int> nums, int target) :
target(target) {
root = new TreeNode2();
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
elms = nums;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.size() && nums.at(i) <= target; i++) {
Key key = Key(nums.at(i), i, nums.at(i));
TreeNode2 *base_node = new TreeNode2(key);
// identifing another subpath within a prebuilt path
// but the idea is that if we put this path from the root
// the it will become part of the valid set when
// seaching all the root to leaf paths
if (dp_hash_map.find(key) != dp_hash_map.end()) {
continue; // subtree exist
dp_hash_map.insert(make_pair(key, base_node));
base_node->children = build_combination_tree(base_node);
vector<vector<int>> root_leaf_paths(TreeNode2 *root, int target) {
// good idea to use static parameters here (single reference)
// just need to make sure to reset on deconstruction
vector<vector<int>> main;
vector<int> temp;
unordered_set<string> unique_paths;
string temp_str = "";
// ignore the root
for (TreeNode2 *n : root->children)
root_leaf_paths_rec(n, temp, main, target, unique_paths, temp_str);
return main;
static void print_level_order(TreeNode2 *root)
if (!root) return;
cout << "Value:Iterator:Accumulative Sum:Number Children" << endl << endl;
queue<TreeNode2*> q;
while (!q.empty()) {
TreeNode2 *temp = q.front();
if (temp)
cout << temp->key.val << ":" <<
temp->key.iter << ":" << temp->key.sum << ":"
<< temp->children.size() << " ";
if (temp) {
for (TreeNode2 *t : temp->children)
if (t) q.push(t);
else {
if (!q.empty() && q.front()) {
cout << endl;
TreeNode2 *root;
vector<int> elms;
unordered_map<Key, TreeNode2*> dp_hash_map;
int target;
vector<TreeNode2*> build_combination_tree(TreeNode2* cur_node)
// current node attributes
int cur_iter = cur_node->key.iter;
int cur_sum = cur_node->key.sum;
int cur_val = cur_node->key.val;
vector<TreeNode2*> next_children;
for (int i = cur_iter + 1; i < elms.size() && cur_sum < target; i++) {
// if the sub tree exists, then do not bother creating
// the same subtree for it
Key key = Key(elms.at(i), i, cur_sum + elms.at(i));
if (dp_hash_map.find(key) != dp_hash_map.end()) {
// point to the already developed subtree, and continue.
else {
TreeNode2* next_node = new TreeNode2(key);
dp_hash_map.insert(make_pair(key, next_node));
next_node->children = build_combination_tree(next_node);
return next_children;
* Performs traversal of combination tree
* to collect valid summations
void root_leaf_paths_rec(TreeNode2 *root,
vector<int> &temp,
vector<vector<int>> &main, const int target,
unordered_set<string> &unique_paths,
string &temp_str) {
if (root) {
temp_str += to_string(root->key.val) + " ";
if (root->children.empty() && root->key.sum == target
&& unique_paths.find(temp_str) == unique_paths.end()) {
for (TreeNode2 *t : root->children) {
if (t) root_leaf_paths_rec(t, temp, main, target, unique_paths, temp_str);
void pop_back_last_num(string &complete_str)
int iter = complete_str.length() - 2; // ignore first space
while (iter >= 0 && complete_str.at(iter) != ' ')
complete_str = complete_str.substr(0, max(0,iter + 1));
Some Testing:
vector<vector<int>> combinationSum2(vector<int>& candidates, int target)
CombinationTree t = CombinationTree(candidates, target);
return t.root_leaf_paths(t.root, target);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
vector<int> test1 = { 10, 1, 2, 7, 6, 1, 5 };
print2d(combinationSum2(test1, 8));
vector<int> test2 = { 1,1,2 };
print2d(combinationSum2(test2, 3));
vector<int> test3 = { 1,-2,3,4,-5,6,7,-8,90,-23,45,67,89 };
print2d(combinationSum2(test3, 6));
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